Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Trump Strategy: Start From Good, Make it Worse, Partially Fix It, Claim Victory

The Washington Post writes about president Trump's renegotiation of NATA: “It covers many things, including autos, intellectual property and labor rights. Several trade experts noted that many provisions in Monday’s agreement resemble what was in President Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, a deal Trump pulled out of when he took office.

The deal does not resolve the tariffs the Trump administration put on steel and aluminum earlier this year, taxes that have proved a major sticking point in trade relations and led to Mexican retaliation against U.S. goods. It also does not resolve a broader issue over what are known as “232 tariffs,” taxes on foreign goods the Trump administration has imposed in the name of national security. The administration used that process for the steel and aluminum tariffs, over the strong objections of many U.S. allies and trading partners — including Canada. And Trump is considering 232 tariffs on foreign autos.”

Yet again, Trump starts with a status quo he claimed was the worst ever or something close thereto, i.e., NAFTA, then he guts it, then he comes up with something close to the old status quo but not final, and then claims victory.

Trump arguably is the single most reality-detached, corrupt, lying president that America has ever had.[1]

1. Last January, experts on US presidential history ranked Trump dead last of all American presidents:

Obviously, most (all?) Trump supporters will reject that as fake news or the like.

B&B orig: 8/27/18

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