Friday, October 11, 2019



When we take off our partisan hats, and stop demonizing the other side as "all evil" and our side as "all good", what would the difference be in our thought patterns?

After all this Forum invites us to look at politics a bit differently:
Pragmatic politics focused on the public interest for those uncomfortable with America's two-party system and its way of doing politics.

So is it time for a multiple party system in the U.S. of A ?

What to YOUR mind would that look like?

Well, for me, it looks like this: we have a multiple party system, except they get drowned out by the two big ones.

AND if you split your vote, you might end up not getting the government you want.

Example: in 2016, I voted Green (Jill Stein), much to my disgust, because my vote might have been one of those that put Trump in the White House.


Do we vote our conscience or do we vote pragmatically? Do we hold our noses and ONLY vote Progressive because we are tired of the Middle, or do we vote Democrats no matter who the candidate is just so we can defeat Trump?

HOW do we get to a place, where there will be viable alternative to the two party system? OR are we stuck with what we have? AND IF SO, what do we do about it so OUR voices get heard.

I have a theory: we as a nation are NOT ready yet to go full Progressive, we need to find a way to get the Progressives to support Moderate Democrats to win back the White House, after which we can start thinking about taking the Dems further left.

WE SIMPLY CAN NOT AFFORD THE LUXURY of voting third party, like I did last time, or of splitting the Left, if we want to have a civil nation again, but the question remains:

What, IF anything, can we as a people do, to change the system we have for the future, so more voices can be heard?
SAME question can be asked of Rightwingers: is it time for a separate party that advocates for Conservative ideals but will stop appealing to only the Far Right?

Any radical ideas out there??

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