Tuesday, November 12, 2019

On Faith

I don't put my faith in man because men let you down.

I don't put my faith in nations because nations crumble.

My faith isn't placed in anything of this world so it is untouchable.

This isn't a post about God, but maybe it should be.

Your politicians cannot deliver you to the proverbial promised land. Your neighbors might be assholes. Your country could be going off the rails. Knowledge is a pursuit where every answer raises more questions.

Over a long enough timeline faith in worldly things will inevitably let you down. Entropy is universal.

What now?

You might be better off placing your faith in the sunrise. It's something clear and infallible. You might be better off, if you're careful, placing your faith in a belief.

This isn't a post about God, but maybe it should be.

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