Friday, December 13, 2019


A personal observation by SNOWFLAKE

I listen almost daily to talk radio, mainly on a station called POTUS, and particularly on "call in" shows.
Almost without fail, the pro-Trumpers that call in to these shows will continually deflect to Hunter and Joe Biden to explain away Trump's actions that got him impeached.
They also spout the nonsense about the "deep state" and "fake news media" and hearing them on the radio gives you a whole new perspective on their ilk, they sound angry, they twist their own words into knots, and frankly sound uneducated.
All of them? Well, NO, not all, but most that I have heard, but then again, that IS talk radio for you.

Then you go to social media, outlets like Disqus used to be, and others, including facebook and twitter, and what you read from Trump supporters is nauseating, and let's for ONCE be honest here, people who post pictures of Michelle Obama having a penis, or Obama being a monkey, or calling everyone on the left Libtards or Libturds, are beneath out dignity to talk to.

There are in fact Disqus offshoots that behave this way, where there is no moderation that I can see, where it is a free-for-all slander of anyone or anything that isn't pro-Trump.


In my private life I know of very few pro-Trumpers, guess it is just the circle of people around me don't lean that way, BUT... I do know a few.

They are hard working honest Americans, admittedly as white bread as you can get, who are NOT bigoted, but will in fact point to the economy, talk about their 401K, their concerns about illegal immigration, but are still socially in the middle, accepting of minorities and gay people.
They don't love Trump, but they like his policies and are willing to look the other way on how he talks and how he behaves.
They might even be willing to drop their support for him, except, in their eyes, they don't see an alternative, they hear and see a Left that wants to impose universal health care on everyone whether they want to keep their private health care or not, who they believe will take away their guns (as opposed to just regulating them), they genuinely believe that China has successfully stripped our nation of manufacturing jobs. 

These people are NOT deplorables, they might, if you care to look at them this way, be delusional, misguided, uniformed, OR...
YOU could argue they have not seen anything better on the Left, other than the constant barrage of impeachment probes from the day Trump took office. 

These Trump supporters see two things: That they are being labeled as "deplorables" and that they want to hear how the Democrats will help them in real ways not in pie-in-the-sky ways and enough of this impeachment business, what about the business of providing real alternatives that speak to average every-day middle class and middle Americans.

These pro-Trumpers I know are not the kind you will find on twitter or facebook or commenting on far right social network platforms or who call into radio talk shows to attack the "libtards", these are people fed up at being talked down to like they are idiots and children, and as long as we treat them like that, they won't change their vote.

YES - in conclusion - even those people I know personally who are pro-Trumpers I do find uninformed, maybe even delusional, BUT they are voters, they are family people, they believe in their community, their church, they would give YOU the shirt off their back if you were in trouble - so the question remains - HOW should we talk to them?

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