Wednesday, February 26, 2020

China's “Pair Up and Become a Family” program

This is something awful. No one maybe except fiction writers could have dreamed this horror up. Fact is way more bizarre than fiction, at least from what normal humans can come up with.

A four and a half minute broadcast by PRI on The World today was mind-blowing.

PRI writes: “In China's Xinjiang region, being part of the Uyghur ethnic minority means facing mass surveillance or detention in an internment camp. And when men are detained, Uyghur women are often left to keep their families and households together on their own. But Chinese policies in the region are increasingly repressive. Take the "Pair up and become a family" program, which assigns male Chinese minders to live in the homes of Uyghur families. Zubayra Shamseden of the Chinese Outreach Coordinator for the Uyghur Human Rights Project tells Marco Werman how policies like "Pair Up" affect Uyghur women in Xinjiang.”

What the ruthless tyrants that rule China are doing is assigning Chinese men to live in Uyghur family homes after Uyghur men have been arrested. The assigned men can sleep in the same bed with the Uyghur wife and do who knows wherever else. The Chinese government says no hanky panky, e.g., rape or pedophilia, is occurring. The Chinese government lies and calls this a “cultural exchange” and says that the Uyghur women welcome the Chinese “minders” and “re-educators” into their beds. Obviously, this is not a cultural exchange. It is barbaric savagery designed to forcefully obliterate the Uyghur culture and language by making Uyghur women serve as sex slaves to horny Chinese men who cannot find a Chinese wife because there are none.

This makes a lot of sense in view of China’s years of female infanticide under the one child policy. Millions of Chinese men cannot find Chinese wives. So, they get shipped off to the Xinjiang region and they get to rape Uyghur wifes as sex slaves. That’s tyranny with a vengeance.

One can only wonder what proportion of the Chinese people outside the Uyghurs will see the propaganda about this and come to believe that this is only an innocent re-education effort by virtuous and patriotic Chinese minders (men) who have been generously provided by the generous Chinese people and government.

My guess is at least half. Probably at least about 65%. Maybe more. If so, that's what propaganda (dark free speech) in the hands of tyrants and demagogues can do to a society who does not have access to facts and truth. That is why facts and truth is so critically important for a civilized democracy and civil society, democracy or not. Crushing facts and truth is not merely important to tyrants and demagogues. It is critically necessary.

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