Monday, February 10, 2020

Hunter Biden

While giving my personal opinions in the main OP is something I try not to do too often, saving my controversial opinions for the posting area, this time I will “spill the/my beans” upfront.  Then I hope to hear your take.

First, let’s check out Hunter Biden's Wikipedia page.  Looks like we have somewhat of a “problem child” on our hands there.  But that page goes deeper than what I’m looking for here.  Let’s save Hunter’s in-depth psychological evaluation for the Psychology Today Blog.  Rather, what I will be looking for here is whether or not you think Hunter Biden’s activities have played a big part in likely ruining his dad’s chances at the presidency.

At one time, early last year, Joe Biden was perceived to be a virtual “shoe-in” to take the Democratic nomination.  Then schtuff happened.*

Granted, while many factors can, indeed do, contribute to an outcome, *and* while no one can say for sure what will happen in the future (since it’s not over until it’s over)…

Question: Do you think Hunter Biden’s excessive greed and cashing in on his dad’s famous last name ruined his dad’s chances at the presidency?

My answer: I do.  I think Hunter will be the ultimate straw that breaks his dad’s back.  He was just another user, and at the detriment of his dad’s benefit.

Question: Was/Is Hunter Biden excessive greed and “use and abuse” of his last name much different than Trump’s children’s?

My answer: No.  Not much, if at all, different.  All those little demons have the same greedy “user” mindsets.  It’s all about them, and not anyone else; including, in Hunter’s case, his own father.

What do you think?  Thanks for posting and recommending.

-Discovery of Hunter getting ridiculous payouts from the corrupt Ukrainian gas company, Burisma.
-Hunter’s “no energy or natural gas” business acumen to deserve a seat on their board.
-Months long Burisma investigations, thus dragging in his father’s internationally-backed efforts to get rid of a corrupt Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, in Ukraine as something suspicious.
-Etc. [You can look for and fill in this part.]

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