Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Trump’s Money Laundering Trail

Yesterday, the Rachael Maddow show aired a segment on a book to be released today, Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction, on the money laundering trail that the president left in his wake. Along with the president, the other main culprit is the corrupt behemoth Deutsche Bank. The bank had to fire one of its employees who kept telling senior management that the president was laundering money. As usual, the bank denies all wrongdoing and rejects the truth mostly as a pack of lies.

A 7 minute segment on this topic is available from MSNBC at this link. In essence, every time there is evidence of financial shenanigans, it leads to a conclusion that there really were financial shenanigans, often accompanied by felony convictions or resignations to avoid an investigation. A 2 minute segment showing an interview with the book’s author David Enrich is at this link.

This segment is well worth the 7 minutes of time. It reviews the history of many of the president’s financial sleaze and corruption episodes that are now fading from memory of at least some people like me. It is good to have one’s memory refreshed.

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