Saturday, February 8, 2020

Trump's Revenge

As noted here a couple of days ago, now that the impeachment is over, the president can turn to important matters such as extracting revenge against people who testified in the House impeachment proceedings and slandering and attacking political opposition and the press. The tyrant kleptocrat wannabe, corrupt-liar Trump, is now free to flex his muscle and wreak his vengeance. In this, he will be aided and abetted by the silence and complicity of the corrupt, spineless GOP in congress.

Major reliable news outlets are reporting that the president has removed two people in revenge for their testimony in the House. An AP article, Payback: Trump ousts officials who testified on impeachment, reports:

“WASHINGTON (AP) — Exacting swift punishment against those who crossed him, an emboldened President Donald Trump ousted two government officials who had delivered damaging testimony against him during his impeachment hearings. The president took retribution just two days after his acquittal by the Senate.

First came news Friday that Trump had ousted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the decorated soldier and national security aide who played a central role in the Democrats’ impeachment case. Vindman’s lawyer said his client was escorted out of the White House complex Friday, told to leave in retaliation for ‘telling the truth.’ ‘The truth has cost Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman his job, his career, and his privacy,’ attorney David Pressman said in a statement. Vindman’s twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, also was asked to leave his job as a White House lawyer on Friday, the Army said in a statement. Both men were reassigned to the Army.

Next came word that Gordon Sondland, Trump’s ambassador to the European Union, also was out. ‘I was advised today that the President intends to recall me effective immediately as United States Ambassador to the European Union,’ Sondland said in a statement. The White House had not been coy about whether Trump would retaliate against those he viewed as foes in the impeachment drama. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Thursday that Trump was glad it was over and ‘maybe people should pay for that.’

Alexander Vindman’s lawyer issued a one-page statement that accused Trump of taking revenge on his client. ‘He did what any member of our military is charged with doing every day: he followed orders, he obeyed his oath, and he served his country, even when doing so was fraught with danger and personal peril,’ Pressman said. ‘And for that, the most powerful man in the world — buoyed by the silent, the pliable, and the complicit — has decided to exact revenge.’

News that both Vindman twins had been ousted led Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., to tweet, ‘The White House is running a two for one special today on deep state leakers.’”

Honesty and truth are under open, direct attack 
The obvious here bears saying it clearly: The president will fire or get rid of you if you work for him but are honest and tell truths he does not want told. That means that the president wants his people to lie for him when he sees it in his personal interest. This is more evidence of the president’s hostility toward inconvenient or embarrassing facts, truths and logic. This deeply immoral aspect of our president cannot be much clearer.

And it is true that he and his hate and rage filled mind has been buoyed by the silent, the pliable, and the complicit, including immoral people like Paul Gosar.

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