Sunday, March 8, 2020

Liars, Damned Liars, and Politicians

Politicians knowingly make promises they have no intention of delivering on, because it's how they get elected and stay elected. At best, even if they do genuinely want the same things they're promising they'll pursue they know they haven't a chance in hell of getting most of their agenda items off the ground.

Like spies, politicians are effectively paid to lie - even your favorite politician lies to you. If you watch a politician you'll get a much more accurate read of what they're about than if you listen to them.

Try putting your politicians on mute and looking at their voting records. Look at the bills they sponsor. Look especially at the unsexy bills like spending authorizations, and you can find a truer picture of what they support.

Bernie isn't as left as he appears to be. Obama wasn't much of a reformer either. He governed as a functionary. Change indeed.

Hillary by any account was right of Obama based on her record. In 2005 she introduced an anti-flag burning law, just for example, and perhaps more importantly, she's the quintessential war candidate, having never found a war she didn't want to sign other people's kids up to fight.

You can expect Biden to govern like Obama did which won't work now. Compromising with Republicans now is like compromising with a sack of rabid badgers. Biden isn't the guy you want having your six in a knife fight. He's ill equipped to deal with them.

Forget the rhetoric.

Politicians don't run on truth, they run on promises, and promises are fungible in politics.

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