Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Jobs Impact of a $25/Metric Ton Carbon Tax

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology analyzed effects of the Green New Deal’s the US Green Party proposed about 3 years ago. Details of the plan were fed into the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s National Energy Modeling System. They analyzed effects of a $25 and a $60 tax on each metric ton (2204 lbs) of CO2 released into the environment. Among other things, the model projected that CO2 emissions would decrease, and the $25 tax would create more jobs than the $60 tax. This is reported in the March 2020 issue of Scientific American.

Most climate science deniers, the carbon energy sector and anti-government ideologues will probably reject the data as flawed, biased, fabricated or whatever else serves to either make it go away completely or to trivialize it into insignificance.

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