Friday, April 10, 2020


I was going to attempt a relatively serious discussion today about a very relevant topic – The Easter Bunny.  However, things slid downhill faster than my car without brakes when I Googled legend of the Easter Bunny.
You’ll never guess what I learned.  Brace yourselves.
The Easter Bunny is an anthropomorphic rabbit.  Shocking, isn’t it!
Anthorpomorphic?  I didn’t realize the Easter bunny suffered from an incapacitating fear.  He probably drops a fortune in his shrink’s office.  I wonder if he pays in chocolate?  I was convinced anthropomorphia had to be a disease of mind or body.  Sometimes I’m so ignorant, I wonder how I function in life. 
I’m happy to report the Easter Bunny is not contagious.  In fact, he’s disease free (for this year anyway).
Back to our discussion. 
Have you introduced your children to the Easter Bunny or are you anti-bunny?
I realize many parents do not like to lie to their children or foster false notions in their impressionable minds.  I applaud and respect these parents; however, I’m apparently not so honest.
Each year the Easter bunny drops off a basket for each child filled with all the candy I love.  How considerate of him.  We also have an Easter Egg hunt each year.  I’d like to skip this tradition, but FringeBoy likes tradition.  He thrives on tradition.  As a toddler he’d cry for the same cup every morning.  In order to avoid a holiday meltdown, we hunt for eggs.
For our family this does not detract from the true meaning of Easter.  The celebration of the resurrection takes center stage in our home.  Bunnies, eggs, and yes, even chocolate take a back seat to the One who conquered death and the grave.
What Easter traditions do you celebrate?  Please tell us if you hate the Easter Bunny, you wish he would choke on a carrot, or you think peeps are of the devil.
I want to know.

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