Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nobody says it like Steve

To the envy of many of us, Steve Schmidt is a wordsmith… par excellence.  Or, to put it in the crude vernacular of the day, “he knows how to rip new ones,” and with surgical precision.  :-O  Steve calls himself a former Republican:

“29 years and nine months ago I registered to vote and became a member of The Republican Party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life. Today I renounce my membership in the Republican Party. It is fully the party of Trump.”

Yesterday, on Twitter, Steve let it all hang out:

Discontent with leading the most inept and lethal response to a life and death crisis in American history, Trump reached for a new low today by igniting what will soon be known as a “liberation movement.” The “Libbers” are here. A new chapter of crazy in American life is born(1)

Soon we will start to see repeats of the lunacy in Michigan and Ohio all over the country. Get ready for the noxious blend of Confederate flags, Semi-automatic weaponry, conspiracy theorists, political cultists, extremists and nut jobs coming to a state Capitol near you. (2)

They will be stoked by Trump every step of the way as they help make the air fertile for his blame gaming, scapegoating, evasions of responsibility, populist fulminations and nationalist incitement’s. They will be on TV every night storming the (3)

Battered ramparts of our politics and civics. Growing Food lines, skyrocketing unemployment, bankruptcies and the reality that PPP is too small and failing will metastasize within our toxic political culture. Americans are increasingly out of money and face ruin while Trumps (4)

Administration continues to lie, fumble and flounder. None of this had to be, but here it is, and it will get worse because Trump is unsteady. He is erratic, indecisive and incompetent at a stunning level. From his slovenly sartorial appearance and lack of physical fitness to (5)

His sloppy verbal meanderings, non sequiturs and dissembling Trump represents a confluence of nearly every repugnancy that can be listed on the catalogue of undesirable human traits that render leaders as unfit in moments of great crisis and testing. Tragedy has come to America (6)

It is so much worse for having come when America had the misfortune of being saddled with Donald Trump. He stands alone, triumphant in ignominy as the most hapless and incompetent leader the American people have ever seen in action. Recovery will take years. (7)

He is unfit to lead us out of the danger. His failure is epic. He is a clear and present danger to America’s future and our prosperity. 200 days until Election Day (8)

 Whoa.  That’s a slap-upside-the-head, and then some.  So, what do you think?

-Do you agree with Schmidt that soon "Libbers" will start popping up all over the country?
-Do you agree that the Republican Party is now the Party of Trump?
-Is America in worse trouble than we even think?  If yes, how so?
-And most important of all, will Trump get re-elected?  (Or, as I prefer to put it, “Are we really that stupid?”)

Thanks for posting and recommending.

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