Tuesday, April 21, 2020



I keep reading comments from some contributors on various channels,  that are anti-government.

I keep hearing about protestors who claim that the government has no right to tell them to stay home during Covid 19, because they have a "constitutional right" to keep their shops open or go to work.


I was listening to a radio call in show, where a caller raged about being told he can't open his business because of his "constitutional rights" and when the host of the show reminded the caller that "rights" aren't absolute, that you can't yell "fire" in a movie theater, carry an AK 27 through a mall, or punch your own kid on the side of the head, the caller retorted that he was not about to give up his "constitutional rights" for the sake of some geriatrics who are going to die anyways.


This canard that the government should stay out of your business, that less government is the best way to go, is SO OLD it is laughable.

This lack of responsibility is what has led to the crisis we have in the U.S. now where Trump says testing is up to the States, and State governors are being ridiculed for stay-at-home orders, while the death toll climbs.

What these folks are really saying, is I don't want government interfering in what I consider important, but please interfere when I want something done my way.

Outlaw abortion, close abortion clinics, isn't this government interference?

Collect my garbage, bring me my mail, police my streets, isn't that government interference?

Keep government out of my healthcare, because I don't want health care for all, because dontcha know, that is socialism.

YET every other civilized country in the world has some form of health care for all, delivering better health care, at a lower per capita cost than what we have in the good ole U.S. of A.

AND don't even try to deflect or argue semantics, it is A FACT. When you have thousands of people in a civilized nation going broke because of medical bills, you know something is wrong.

WE have laws to protect our property and lives, who wrote those laws? GOVERNMENT!

And yet the same people who cry to the high heavens about getting government out of our lives, love it when that same government engages in gerrymandering, voter suppression, closing of voting booths (primarily in black districts), and purges voter rolls - because the simple idea of anyone who can produce a birth certificate or proof of citizenship can not get a federal ID card because THAT is government interference?????

Almost everyone who has ever argued with me on the subject of government involvement into our lives keeps citing the Constitution, yet - here is the irony - WHO WROTE THE CONSTITUTION? I am guessing some government types. 

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