Monday, May 4, 2020

Analyze me...

Monday, May 4, 2020
I will readily admit I’m biased toward the Democrats.  Their agenda/platform more aligns with my political mindset.

As a progressive liberal, I watch MSNBC and CNN to get my news.  I rarely watch Fox, nor do I listen to right-wing radio pundits like Rush Limbaugh (I can only take about 5-minutes of him before I have to turn it off).

Here’s question 1:
-Do you see right wing media as a help or hindrance to the greater American society?  Explain your choice.

Myself, I see them as a hindrance and instigaters of anger, hatred, resentment, discord, and any other words of disruption

Here’s question 2:
-Am I wrong?  Am I not seeing things clearly through my skewed-liberal eyesight?

Lay it on the line for me.  Is it me, and not them?  Be honest.  I can take it.  Or as I like to say, “Sometimes you do someone a favor when you tell them they have bad breath.” :/

Help me understand so I can grow. :)

Thanks for posting.

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