Thursday, May 21, 2020


LETTER: Trump-bashing doesn’t heal wounds that divide us

Gary Liddell of Holt writes: “The president is bringing in and testing new vaccines for this virus at unbelievable speed but yet, the Dems continue to complain and criticize that he is not taking the blame. Of course he shouldn’t; it’s all on the Chinese.”

The continual President Trump-bashing is getting out of hand.
Could we not give Trump some “credit” for this instead of trying to find ways to tear him down?

Let’s stop the Donald Trump bashing. Here is an individual running for president who speaks his mind.

Readers React: Stop bashing Trump during this crisis
I just finished reading the Letters to the Editor in the March 29 edition. Here is a summary of the letters. I hate Trump, I hate Trump, I hate Trump, I hate Trump, I hate Trump, I hate Trump, I hate Trump and finally I hate Trump.
Really people! At a time when our country is going through tough times and we should be pulling together as Americans, this is the drivel that keeps showing up in The Morning Call Letters to the Editor? Aren’t we better than that?

Stop bashing President Trump, he's getting this done

In a time of crisis, U.S. should rally around Trump, not bash him | READER COMMENTARY
I didn’t vote for Donald Trump nor am I a fan. But Trump-bashing has gone too far!

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