Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Time to play that "Who should Joe Biden pick as VP" game.

I hope I don't get too much grief over some of my comments below, but my opinions are MINE, and I would still like to hear YOURS.

As we are figuring out, Biden desperately needs to make a wise pick for VP, someone who is passionate and can sock it to Trump, but also articulate (which Biden isn't), and someone who will appeal to a broad range of voters.

ALAS, he made a commitment to select a female - which might be a good idea since there are some awesome female leaders out there - but also some awesome male leaders (AndrewCuomo).

SO let me get the ball rolling:

My choices AND why or why not:

Let me first address the elephant in the room - should the pick automatically be a woman of color?
NO (as it shouldn't be automatic)  - but considering there are some damn good ones out there, maybe?

IF it has to be a woman of color, no to Stacy Abrams or Kamala Harris (Abrams too dull, Kamala too angry), but here is a name for you - Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

She checks off all the boxes: articulate, strong-minded, passionate, and yes, being attractive helps (this is America after all) 

NO - NEVER to Hillary Clinton, but I would support the pick of Elizabeth Warren 

Two reasons: she would help bring in the progressive vote AND she would drive Trump absolutely bonkers (OR should I say - more bonkers than he already is) 

I would also say no to Gretchen Whitmer but if Biden wanted to draw more of the Hispanic vote, why not Catherine Cortez Masto?

Again, she has popular appeal, is well spoken, and would bring passion to an otherwise stale Democratic ticket.

OF COURSE, my #1 choice would be:


Who would you pick - or not pick - and WHY?

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