Thursday, June 4, 2020

White Privilege / Race Baiting


There are those who believe that White Privilege is not a "thing", a phony term that means nothing, but to injure white people.

Often though the same people who argue thus will themselves use the term Race Baiting, which they consider a real term, as opposed to a phony term. 

YET - who uses the term Race Baiting?

A couple of perspectives:

If you're confused about what race-baiting is, here's a bit of context

Right-wing outlets like the Drudge Report, Fox News and the National Review use the term “race-baiting” frequently and liberally. Drudge conveniently catalogs its use of the term for its readers.


In the 2010s, conservative politicians and political commentators began appropriating the term race-baiting to refer to minority activists who they believed were provoking racial hatred against white people

SO, THIS PICTURE BELOW - is it an example of White Privilege or an example of Race Baiting?

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