Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Ivanka and Jared Show

The 22 minute video is from John Oliver's show. It is mostly about Ivanka and Jared. Ivanka shares her father's belief about the low importance of truth. She is also truly expert at sounding reasonable and on point, while in fact saying essentially nothing at all. As Oliver puts it, "the apple doesn't fall far from the orange."

The main point I want to make is about how Ivanka views truth. These two screen shots from the video clip explain it nicely and in her own words.

Apparently Ivanka believes that letting people hold false beliefs is not being dulpicitous so long as it is to your advantage. After all, perception is more important that reality, except of course when it isn't. It is reasonable to think that Ivanka thinks that if it isn't to your advantage, then by all means, try to correct the error.

Thanks to V4V for bringing this video clip to my attention.

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