Friday, November 20, 2020

A Brief Description of Church-State Separation

The wall of separation is under attack

A commenter here, TokyoJones, gave a short description of separation of church and state. It is very worthwhile to understand this. I saw the church-state separation issue in terms of conflicting religious rights with other constitutional rights. TJ pointed out that framing of the issue was not right. He wrote:
As it was understood by its writers, there can be no conflict of rights to religious liberty and other more secular rights, because religion is not to enter into the public sphere. It is a private pursuit, or one shared among fellow believers, but religious exercises can no more impede secular law than secular law impede religious practice. When religionists start demanding special rights in order to deny others their rights, we know the 1A has been abrogated, and we know who these would-be tyrants are.

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