Saturday, November 7, 2020

Why are people conservative or liberal?

 When looking at how closely divided the nation is on politics I thought it can't be that 70 million are just stupid.  So why?

How is Susan Rice's kid a conservative?  Can't be the environment he was raised in. 


This article likely will get a discussion going some.

Now this is just a conversation starter.  7 year old article from a magazine.  

This type of mind provided societies with an evolutionary advantage or else it would not be here.    Same with liberal minds. It's not 80 to 20.  So how is it so even today?   

Knowing this might help us understand that we can't change how they think.  Maybe we need to move the discussion to other issues?  The conservative mind will always be conservative.  If we change the issues we can move society forward on to other things.  

Millions today are dancing in the streets.  They get it.  70 million are at home wondering why the best president ever lost.  

I always say Nature and Nurture.

Thoughts folks? 

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