Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Best Wishes!

 Pictures by pros:

Pictures by me:

blooming in the desert

A rare freshwater stream about 65 miles east of San Diego

A couple of blocks from my house

A rare flower blooming -- I've seen this in only one place
in my ~15 years of hiking in the mountains east of San Diego 
It is rare and thus precious to me, even if it is common elsewhere

That hawk used to be there almost every time we hiked the mountain
then the tree fell and now that sight is gone forever

That was what was left of a tree after the 2003 Cedar Fire in San Diego county
It is still there today in 2020 - we it saw again last week

Capybara (really big rodents) and offspring units at the San Diego zoo

One morning over the bit of bay behind our house

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