Saturday, December 5, 2020

What Some Judges Say About Fraudulent Election Fraud Lawsuits

In refusing to hear another of the baseless lawsuits, conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn of the Wisconsin Supreme Court commented: “It can be easy to blithely move on to the next case with a petition so obviously lacking, but this is sobering. The relief being sought by the petitioners is the most dramatic invocation of judicial power I have ever seen. Judicial acquiescence to such entreaties built on so flimsy a foundation would do indelible damage to every future election. . . . This is a dangerous path we are being asked to tread.”

In that lawsuit, the court refused to hear a lawsuit filed by a conservative group that sought to invalidate the election in Wisconsin.

Judge James T. Russell of the Nevada District Court in Carson City wrote that the campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor in an amount equal to or greater than” Biden’s margin of victory, about 33,600 votes. Russell dismissed witness declarations the campaign submitted, describing them as “self-serving statements of little or no evidentiary value” and said the campaign’s expert testimony “was of little to no value.” 

By contrast, the T**** campaign lawyer Jesse R. Binnall said the Nevada election had been “stolen” and he claimed a “robust body of evidence” supported his conclusion. It is beyond me that lawyers making such obviously false statements to the court are not sanctioned for lying and wasting the court’s time. The Nevada Republican Party said it will appeal this baseless case to the state’s highest court.

Judge Randall Warner of the Maricopa County Superior Court ruled Friday that he found “no misconduct, no fraud and no effect on the outcome of the election.” The lawsuit was filed by the Arizona Republican Party and its chairwoman, Kelli Ward. Ward is expected to appeal the ruling.

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