Saturday, January 16, 2021



This article from CNN got me to thinking about aftermaths.

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 marks a turning point of sorts for the U.S. Government; a changing of the guard, as they say.  So, like all “goodbyes,” it’s time to look back on a life well badly lived.

It’s time for us political-types, here on DisPol, to start reflecting on what Trump has left in his turbulent wake.  Are there lessons to be learned?  Oh, I think so.

Your Task: Start writing your post-Trump presidency epitaphs, obits, and/or speeches now. 

-Epitaphs are the shortest route.  You know, those “Here lies X,” followed by a single and succinct yada, yada, yada statement about that person.

-Or, if you are the wordy type, make it in a longer “obituary form” like we see in newspapers.  You know, “He was a” this and “he was a” that.  “He left behind a” this, and “He left behind a” that. 

-Or, if you fancy those corporate dinner speeches (or roasts ;) regaling the accomplishments of an outgoing CEO, “What can we say about our company’s leader that we all don't already know?  He was a…. [your speech here].” 

-Or, if you prefer some other route, go for it!  Granny Susan is an easy grader.  Whether rough or polished, everyone gets an “A”!  :)

Don’t delay.  Start working up your “Farewell to DJT" now! Next Thursday, assuming no nukes have gone off and the Earth still stands, I will solicit your responses.

Thanks for participating and recommending.

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