Friday, February 5, 2021

Spine donor needed...

Clerk House of Representative Roll Call

Last evening, I see that Rep. Liz Cheney voted along with all but one of her fellow Republicans (see link above) to NOT remove/strip Rep. Marjory Taylor Greene from her House committees (education and budget).

What are we to make of the fact that, while Cheney unapologetically voted to impeach Trump (and got a lot of GOP political flak for it), she did not seem to have a problem with keeping MTG on these important influential committees?  It should be noted that yesterday, Cheney herself, in a secret ballot, escaped removal from her prestigious "third in line" Republican Leadership role, by a vote of 145-she should stay, 61-she should be removed.

So, what happened to Liz’s "principles" spine?

-Was it a case of her being sympathetic to MTG plight, seeing’s how Cheney herself came close to being an outcast?  (I.e., didn’t want to play with fire and get burned again?)

-Did Cheney believe MTG’s mea culpa speech (for which half the GOP caucus gave it a standing ovation) and that had no apologies in it; only so-called explanations, regarding her “previous” beliefs in QAnon?


Finally, do you predict MTG will revert back to her old ways, maybe in a sense of revenge, now that she has been outcast from committees?

Analyze the situation from your POV.

Thanks for commenting and recommending.

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