Thursday, March 18, 2021

About the Mass Shooting of Asians Yesterday

The backlash began with the sheriff spokesman’s statement to reporters that the mass shooting suspect was having a “bad day.”

“He was pretty much fed up and kind of at the end of his rope. Yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did,” Cherokee County sheriff’s office Capt. Jay Baker said Wednesday. He was describing the 21-year-old man accused of killing eight people, mostly Asian and almost all women, in a rampage across three Atlanta-area spas.

Then — as the violence stirred fears in an Asian-American community that already felt under attack — Internet sleuths and journalists found Baker’s Facebook posts promoting shirts that called the novel coronavirus an “IMPORTED VIRUS FROM CHY-NA.”

One person’s reaction on Twitter: “I think Capt Jay Baker is going to have a really bad day.”

Is Baker a racist or just exercising his White Privilege? Will he have a bad day, or will he be promoted to Chief Baker? Is the mass murderer a racist, or merely distressed about his urge to fornicate? Did the mass murderer really think that by murdering women he was attracted to, it would make this fornication urges go away? Or is he just stupid, a liar, and/or a racist?

Another tragedy. So many questions. Probably not much will change. Here is how one source valiantly described America's mass shooting situation in 2019, the NRA is not to blame, liberals are:
Mass shootings and firearms violence greatly increased as the destruction of morals and family values was followed by violent TV and videogames, social media, attacks on Christianity, excess legal and illegal immigration, multiculturalism, political correctness, excessive legal and illegal drug use, and the creation of “gun-free school zones.” Since 1950, 98% of all school shootings have occurred in these zones. Liberals shoulder the blame for virtually all of these causes. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is not to blame.

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