Sunday, March 14, 2021

Alabama GOP to give Trump framed resolution calling him one of the ‘greatest’ presidents in history

 The Alabama Republican Party on Saturday will present former President Donald Trump with a framed copy of a resolution, passed unanimously by the party, that declares him "one of the greatest and most effective" presidents in U.S. history.

"The resolution, basically, it just talks about the greatness of Donald J. Trump, how he made America great again and I hope other states will follow suit," Perry Hooper Jr., a former state representative and a member of the state party’s executive committee, told Fox News in an interview.

Hooper will present a framed copy of the resolution to Trump at a reception at Mar-a-Lago, Florida on Saturday evening.

The resolution, which passed unanimously in the party, calls Trump "one of the greatest and most effective presidents in the 245-year history of this Republic" and lists his achievements in office.

"It’s just recognizing him for all the great things he has done for America for bringing back American manufacturing, cutting taxes, creating best economy ever, building up our military," Hooper said.

Hooper said he was speaking not only for the party, but for many Americans who voted for the 45th president in 2020.

"We love him in Alabama, America loves him and he got 75 million votes for a reason and I'm speaking basically for 75 million people in America," he said.

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