Monday, March 1, 2021

I know it’s complicated but…


Was/Is The American Experiment destined to eventually fail?

"Is it possible for a Government to be permanently maintained without privileged classes, without a standing army, and without either hereditary or self-appointed rulers? Is the democratic principle of equal rights, general suffrage, and government by a majority, capable of being carried into practical operation, and that, too, over a large extent of country?"

If NO, why not?  What keeps or will keep The American Experiment together/keep it going?

  • Your reasons here

If YES, what are the possible reasons for its eventual failure?  Examples:

  • Too much diversity (races, creeds, colors, etc)
  • Too much individuality over a collective mindset (versus, say, China)
  • Too much liberty (DFS, R-wing/L-wing media influence, torts abuse, etc)
  • Not enough liberty (Patriot Act, privacy issues, ACLU influence, etc)
  • Not enough “Ask what you can do for your country” and
  • Too much “Ask what your country can do for you”
  • Too much heretofore “white privilege” being lost and/or undermined
  • Too little higher education and critical thinking classes
  • Too much influence on politics and decision-making by “fly-over” country
  • Too much Hollywood (glitz and glamour over substance, car crashes, movie stars/sports stars worship/delusions of wannabe grandeur, “wrong kind” of hero worship, etc)
  • Too little (i.e., flimsy) values (sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, “me me me” thinking, immediate gratification wants, etc)
  • The good idea of Capitalism used and abused to the point of too much greed (deregulation in the name of profits, slave/poverty wages, tax loopholes, unfair tax laws, etc)
  • Nothing or very little to unite (i.e., no common values)
  • Other

How long (in years) do you give the American Experiment to survive?

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