Friday, March 5, 2021

Trump’s Kryptonite…

 I'm still waiting to stumble upon it.

Just as Trump barely WON the presidency in 2016 by merely a handful of popular votes in critical “electoral-votes” states, he barely LOST the presidency in 2020 by that same critical handful.  But in that interim, between 2016 and 2020, we all got an up-close-and-personal look, indeed on a daily basis, at who Trump the man was and continues to be.

So let’s look at what HASN’T been his kryptonite so far.  Over these last 5-ish years, we’ve seen and/or heard about:

  • Pu$$y grabbing and rape accusations
  • Porn star payoffs
  • 500K+ deaths from a botched virus containment
  • 30k+ lies and misleading statements, per WaPo
  • Staff turnovers dropping like flies in winter (due to scandal and/or disgust)
  • Nepotism-ing his administration with blatant overriding of FBI security rules/checks
  • Used ethnic and/or other slurs (Pocahontas, Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, etc) on his opponents
  • Advocated separating migrant children from their families at the southern border
  • Trying to bribe a desperate Ukrainian ally
  • Withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Throwing paper towels at a hurricane ravaged country
  • Mocked a disabled reporter
  • Has no problem calling women he doesn’t like “pigs, dogs, slobs, disgusting animals”
  • The hiding of his financials
  • Palling around with dictators (Kim, Putin, Erdogan, etc)
  • “Sharpie-gating” weather maps
  • Proclaiming John McCain was not a war hero
  • Called the military “suckers and losers”
  • Called white supremacist “very fine people”           
  • Told the Proud Boys to “stand by”
  • Betrayed our Kurdish allies
  • Suggested injecting bleach and/or light into the body
  • Accused President Obama of spying on him
  • With rare exceptions, refused to wear a mask, not setting a good example
  • Two failed impeachment trials
  • The pardoning of traitors
  • A bloody and deadly D.C. insurrection in his name (“You’re very special, we love you”)
  • Heretofore secret Covid shots for him and Melania in January
  • A media who can’t quit him
  • A GOP who can’t quit him

And hell, I’ve just touched on the more blatant shenanigans that immediately come to mind.  We have been here and historically witnessed, firsthand, all of this and so much more.

So other than his physical demise itself (likely attributable to too many Big Macs and KFC Buckets), I’m truly baffled at what on earth Trump’s Kryptonite could possibly be.  Truth hasn’t been able to do it.  His bad behavior hasn’t been able to do it.  His incompetence hasn’t been able to do it.

Question: Is there anything, anything known to humankind, that can finally “inactivate” Trump?  Any Ideas??

Myself, the only thing I can think of is if it is “proven” that he has paid for an abortion.  And even that will be iffy, since “proven” has become something in “the eye of the beholder,” it seems.  Time and distance, like with many (all?) things, could be another cure.  But we can’t seem to get away from him.  They won’t let us (she said, as she posted this OP 🤯).  So, I’m out of ideas. :/

Thanks for helping me out here.

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