Friday, April 23, 2021


 Let's revisit the old adage about what was or what wasn't the best era in American history.

People tend to have romantic memories of "the good old days" OR adversely, think the good old days weren't so grand.

When my parents emigrated to the U.S. after the 2nd WW, they found a vibrant country, but they also were willing to close their eyes to injustices that might have been obvious to you or me.

My ERA, was the 60s and 70s, an era of change, of great people, more rights for blacks and women, a progressive movement. AND YES, there was sex, drugs, and rock n roll.

My son born in 1990 in Canada, thought HIS era was the best. Granted where we were living at the time slanted his views. Racial tolerance, programs for the disabled, universal health care, gender equality.

At the same time he looked at American history, AND Canadian history, with horror and wondered how we could have been so close-minded.

I rebutted that unfortunately his generation had a lot to answer for, less respect for elders, less respect for authority, lousy music, everything handed to them without having to put in the blood, sweat and tears previous generations had to put in.

NOW we are lamenting, daily, about the post-Trump ERA, or the era of white nationalism, or the era of American decline, and the same infections are hitting Canada, where Conservatives keep promoting mini-Trumps as their candidates.

BUT is it really SO bad? THINK ABOUT IT.

When I was working part time as a school crossing guard prior to Covid, I saw effeminate boys walking side by side to school with the macho kids.

I saw blacks and whites walking together, I saw girls in hijabs hanging out with mini-skirted girls.

Everywhere there are now ramps for the disabled, gay couples walk hand in hand, at least in my home town here in Minny. We have seen rapid development of vaccines and while there is still strife in the world, no world wars or any major wars of any kind.

Doesn't that mean THIS has become the best era?

Depends if you see the glass half full or half empty, or if you are a pessimist or an optimist.

BUT for me the 60s and 70s were the best era, culturally, economically, with social movements that changed how we view the world.

Of course, someone is going to suggest no one era was better or worse than another, everything in flux.

I say NAY, the 80s and 90s were horrible, horrible music, punks instead of hippies, AIDS, a backward slide to conservatism, gadgets and toys more important than relationships.

BUT my point being, that is MY perception, others will disagree.

SO have YOUR say, what Era was the best in your eyes??

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