Sunday, May 30, 2021

Why are Republicans afraid of everything?

  Republicans are afraid.

Afraid of Black people. Afraid of brown people. Afraid of red people. Afraid of yellow people. Afraid of women. Afraid of young people.

Afraid of young people voting. Afraid of people of color voting. Afraid of voting rights. Afraid of democracy.

Afraid of science. Afraid of medicine. Afraid of knowledge. Afraid of public education. Afraid of universities. Afraid of professors. Afraid of teachers.

Afraid of experts. Afraid of doctors. Afraid of Anthony Fauci. Afraid of masks. Afraid of vaccines. Afraid of vaccine passports. Afraid of vaccine chips. Afraid of things that don't exist.

Afraid of history. Afraid of the truth. Afraid of those who tell the truth.

Afraid of books. Afraid of newspapers. Afraid of objectivity. Afraid of facts.

Afraid of wind towers. Afraid of solar power. Afraid of environmentalists. Afraid of the Green New Deal. Afraid of Greta Thunberg. Afraid of change.

Afraid of the media. Afraid of The New York Times. Afraid of The Washington Post. Afraid of MSNBC. Afraid of CNN.

Afraid of Twitter. Afraid of Facebook. Afraid of Google. Afraid of big tech. Afraid of the government. Afraid of the establishment.

Afraid of Democrats. Afraid of Black Lives Matter. Afraid of antifa. Afraid of Democratic Socialists.

Afraid of Bernie Sanders. Afraid of AOC. Afraid of Elizabeth Warren. Afraid of Nancy Pelosi. Afraid of Barack Obama. Afraid of Kamala Harris. Afraid of Joe Biden. Afraid of Mitt Romney. Afraid of Liz Cheney. Afraid of RINOs.

Afraid of athletes. Afraid of kneeling. Afraid of the NFL. Afraid of Colin Kaepernick. Afraid of the NBA. Afraid of LeBron James. Afraid of Major League Baseball.

Afraid of Hollywood. Afraid of actors. Afraid of the Academy Awards. Afraid of musicians. Afraid of the Grammys. Afraid of Broadway shows. Afraid of late-night comics. Afraid of "Saturday Night Live."

Afraid of ABC. Afraid of CBS. Afraid of NBC. Afraid of NPR. Afraid of PBS.

Afraid of Starbucks. Afraid of Coke. Afraid of Nike. Afraid of Delta Airlines. Afraid of Citigroup. Afraid of what Trump tells them to be afraid of.

Afraid of a $15 minimum wage. Afraid of unions.

Afraid of Mexicans. Afraid of Asians. Afraid of Muslims. Afraid of Somalians.

Afraid of caravans. Afraid of refugees. Afraid of immigrants. Afraid of diversity.

Afraid of the FBI. Afraid of the CIA. Afraid of the Deep State.

Afraid of homosexuals. Afraid of bisexuals. Afraid of same-sex marriage. Afraid of transgenders. Afraid of transgender kids. Afraid of bathrooms.

Afraid of big cities. Afraid of coastal cities. Afraid of Chicago. Afraid of Portland. Afraid of Minneapolis.

Afraid of California. Afraid of New York. Afraid of blue states. Afraid of Washington, D.C. Afraid of Puerto Rico.

Afraid of the world.

Afraid of social justice. Afraid of equality. Afraid of fairness.

Afraid of elites. Afraid of academics. Afraid of intellectuals.

Afraid of Planned Parenthood. Afraid of Obamacare. Afraid of Medicare.

Afraid of the truthful past. Afraid of the truthful present. Afraid of the future.

So afraid of the future.

Why are Republicans so afraid?

It must be exhausting !!

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