Friday, June 18, 2021

Compare and Contrast…

It’s high school graduation time.  This year, we have three new graduates in two of our extended families.  Though both of these families consider themselves to be Christian-oriented, as you can see from the reverse side of the invitations below, they are operating under two different “you’re heading into the future now, young man” messages that are being suggested to their respective sons.  Neither family knows the other family, so there is no inter-family influence going on there.

Family 1’s message is in the top half of the image 

Family 2’s message is in the bottom half of the image:

I was going to go into a long “personal opinion” spiel here, but I changed my mind on that.  I wanted to keep the OP presentation “neutral.”  And granted, while I haven’t given you much to go on (other than an “at face value” situation), I wanted to ask you:

Q: What do you deduce from the two invitations?  In other words, what’s your armchair psychologist’s analysis of the two different graduation messages?  Discuss.

Thanks for posting and recommending.


Note: Since religion (in particular Christian Nationalism) has been a topic of late, I thought it would be alright to post this OP on this political blog.  Politics and religion seem to be highly related, especially these days.

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