Friday, June 11, 2021

The Cost of the Reset

As I build and write code for little smart gadgets I wonder how much of this work will become swept up and destroyed along with all the rest of everything in the wake of what is coming.

My little Library of Alexandria, yours, your family's - they're about to burn.

We're staring down the business end of catastrophic social upheaval and the possible end of democracy in the United States as we know it. That doesn't come without cost.

All of the stupid, hidebound and relentlessly paternal white supremacy, pretending to be complacent when it is coddled, will destroy everything the minute it is threatened. 

And it is threatened. Demographics is a dragon no ideology can slay. 

And here we are, as awful and frustrating as it is inevitable, the backlash of white power against the threat of a multiracial dominant order is determined to destroy everything rather than cede any ground.

You. Me. And not just us, but anything we create. Because when they want to destroy what you represent, they won't just come for you, but they'll come for everything that in any way reflects you.

We're going to let it happen because we must. What we see as stupid and willful ignoring of an existential threat by the powers that be (such as the Biden admin and Merrick Garland in particular) is just them hopelessly following the math of it. We need the reset, as much as a volcano eventually needs the eruption. We can't contain it forever, and we're at the point now where the center doesn't hold. 

We all have a role to play. Theirs is to play the part of the Weimar Republican leaders, ours the German citizens some of whom can see what's coming, but are no better for it, and the opposition fascists to be played by the the GQP.

It's all going to burn. We're well past votes fixing anything.

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