Wednesday, July 14, 2021

In case of emergency, break glass… (or not)

It is no secret that we, here on DisPol, are not all that fond of the rank and file Republicans.  “We see” mentally “dead people” out there, raising political hell, and we are concerned.  We feel totally justified in our concern and can present case after case of what we (and the media) see as the systematic crumbling of American democracy.  Like the religious eat, drink and sleep their religions, we here do the same with our politics.  Let’s face it, we’re just as fanatical.  We’re here virtually every day, investigating and showcasing what we see as political trouble/shenanigans.  BUT…

Out there in the real world, I have to wonder if the rest of the people (you know, “the real people” as Jack Nicholson called them in Cuckoo’s Nest) are all that taken in by what we here see as the blatant and nefarious shenanigans of the Republican Party.  Are we really in as dire shape, politically, as we think we are?

Questions: What do you think?  Do we overreact around here?  Or, is democracy indeed on the verge of falling and Everyman’s hair should be on fire?  Make your for/against case.

Thanks for posting and recommending.

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