Saturday, July 3, 2021

One of the ex-president's fund raising tactics

This short note of interest just came to my attention again. It is worth a short post, just to keep bad memories fresh. The human mind tends to suppress bad memories. Sometimes that's a bad thing, like in this instance.

Various sources reported on this little nugget related to the 2020 election. Business Insider reported on the fund raising in an article entitled Trump is pocketing Georgia Senate runoff donations for his PAC, while the GOP candidates themselves don't get a dollar, a new report says:
While fundraising for the Georgia Senate runoffs, President Donald Trump is diverting 75% of most donations to his Save America political action committee, effectively allowing him to hold on to that money for future endeavors, Politico reported Monday.

"The reality is Donald Trump does not care about the future of the Republican Party, so if he can raise money off of the Georgia runoffs but keep the money for his own purposes, he will do so," a longtime GOP strategist told Politico.

This is just a reminder of how blatantly corrupt the ex-president was and still is, e.g., this April 2021 article entitled How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations.

Ah, good. Memory refreshed. 

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