Monday, August 9, 2021

Bearing the cost of treason: The rule of law still falls

Patriots peacefully assembling?
Or, traitors trying to overthrow the government?

In another discouraging bit of evidence that the rule of law is too toothless to defend democracy or itself any more, the Washington Post discouragingly reports in an article entitled, Judge asks why Capitol rioters are paying just $1.5 million for attack, while U.S. taxpayers will pay more than $500 million:
A federal judge on Monday questioned why U.S. prosecutors are asking Capitol riot defendants to pay only $1.5 million in restitution while American taxpayers are paying more than $500 million to cover the costs of the Jan. 6 attack by a pro-Trump mob.

Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell of Washington challenged the toughness of the Justice Department’s stance in a plea hearing for a Colorado Springs man who admitted to one of four nonviolent misdemeanor counts of picketing in the U.S. Capitol.

Howell has already asked in another defendant’s plea hearing whether no-prison misdemeanor plea deals offered by the government are too lenient for individuals involved in “terrorizing members of Congress,” asking pointedly if the government had “any concern about deterrence?”

On Monday, she pressed the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington why it was seeking to require only $2,000 in each felony case and $500 in each misdemeanor case.
Well fans of taxpayers not getting their money's worth, there you have it. Taxpayers are not going to get their money's worth. The US Department of Justice under the incompetent, probably corrupt, Attorney General Merrick Garland doesn't care what the costs to taxpayers are for T**** supporters' treason in 1/6 coup attempt or what their penalties are. After all, the traitors are delicate flowers who need  understanding and nurturing. Here's some plant food for them: 

I want (1) pro-democracy and pro-honesty regime change, and (2) the 1/6 traitors to spend the rest of their rotten, treasonous lives in the slammer. Obviously, I'm gonna get neither.

1. We don't want to hurt the sensitive feelings of deceived and betrayed traitors falsely believing they are patriots, do we? (remember, they're delicate flowers) 

2. A couple of months ago, I called for Garland to be fired for failure to defend the rule of law, but was that premature? Is it still premature? What would it take to not be premature any more, e.g., Christofascists take full control, declare martial law and slaughter Democrats and people like me?

3. Is it time to start asking for impeachment of Biden? 

4. Who are the radicals here, people like Garland or people like me? 

5. Is it still unreasonable to demand regime change that does not include Democrats or Republicans playing significant roles?

Traitors howling in righteous indignation

How about this: I will never forget the treasonous 1/6 coup attempt,
and Christian nationalists will never forget the horror of the anti-Gay Cake baker?
Seems fair to me.

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