Saturday, August 21, 2021

Racists sabotaged the Afghan federal Special Immigrant Visa program

In an interview with a former staff person, Olivia Troye, working for Mike Pence when he was Vice President said that the racist Steven Miller sabotaged the Afghanistan visa process. Miller and his racist thugs stopped it as long as the racist ex-president was still in office. That is why Afghan allies visa applications were not processed, granted and flown to safety as long as the racists were in power. Troye said that people within the federal government came to her begging to see if Pence, also a racist whether he knows it or not, would help them process desperately needed visa approvals. Federal employees who tried to process visas were threatened with loss of their jobs and pensions. They were frozen in fear and did nothing.  

Instead of being honest and transparent by cancelling the visa program, our racist ex-president and the racist thugs and liars who worked for him sabotaged a federal program in the name of their racism and hostility to non-White immigrants.

Some Steven Miller quotes and context
"Continue to worship at the altar of multiculturalism and we may come to see that we are participating in the sacrifice of the one culture which binds us all."

"No just society can survive which abandons God."

"Every American has the right to support a policy of retreat and capitulation, and, as so many leftists do, they also have right to lie and slander the country and the president to further this agenda."

"The Hollywood crowd feels sympathy for the terrorists, detests Republicans and sees America as an obstacle to a better world."

From NPR, Nov. 26, 2019
For almost three decades, Jared Taylor has been publishing his ideas about race at the American Renaissance magazine and now at a website called AmRen, which is considered a mouthpiece for white supremacist ideology.

"The races are not identical and equivalent," says Taylor, who calls himself a "race realist" and rejects the white supremacist label. "There are patterns of difference. But this is now something that's considered a huge, hateful taboo in the United States."

The website is not well-known outside white nationalist circles — but it found an audience in White House adviser Stephen Miller.

Miller has recommended articles on AmRen and another white nationalist site called VDARE. We know this because the Southern Poverty Law Center has uncovered hundreds of emails that Miller wrote to a reporter at Breitbart News before he worked in the White House.  
Civil rights activists and more than 100 members of Congress — all Democrats — have called for Miller's resignation since the publication of the emails. But the White House is standing behind him. And Republicans have been largely silent. Critics say that this suggests the line of what's acceptable in public discourse has shifted.
By 2019, it should have been obvious to everyone that the line of what's acceptable in public discourse had shifted. The fascist, Christian nationalist Republican Party and its fascist leader shifted it. Acceptance of White Supremacism and overt discrimination against non-White had become acceptable and mainstream in the fascist Republican Party.

One can only wonder whether such deep state sabotage operations like what the ex-president, Miller and other racist thugs pulled off is or should be legal.

Questions: When Biden asserted that chaos was baked into the final exit process, was he mostly right in view of the fact that the racist former administration sabotaged any chance of an orderly exist for US allies?

Is Troye lying and the visa program was working as intended, not sabotaged?

By sabotaging the visa program, were racists in the federal government, including the ex-president, who sabotaged the visa program acting in good faith as responsible leaders, or were they conducting an immoral deep state operation to hide the truth of their animosity to non-White immigrants, even ones who risked their lives in service to the US military mission in Afghanistan? 

Is it fair or accurate to call the ex-president and people like Steven Miller racist or liars? 

Is it fair or accurate to see Steven Miller as a radical Christian nationalist bigot working quietly to advance the bigoted Christian nationalist agenda of power and wealth transfer to elite White Christians, advancing White supremacy, and advancing fundamentalist Christianity and Christian rule based on a Biblical worldview and Biblical law, i.e., Christian Sharia law?

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