Thursday, August 12, 2021

Republican Party campaign morality: “There’s no obligation to tell the truth”

I've argued repeatedly here that FGOP (fascist GOP) campaign tactics are completely unconcerned about lying, deceiving, slandering, irrational emotional manipulation (unwarranted fear, rage, hate, bigotry, distrust, etc.) and crackpot motivated reasoning. The only moral principle is winning power and wealth. All means, legal or not, justify the ends. The following is a beautiful example of how utterly irrelevant truth is to FGOP operatives and insiders. The Washington Post writes about comments made by Rudy Giuliani and his partner Marc Mukasey made to FBI agents in 2018:
Rudolph W. Giuliani’s promise of a “big surprise” to help Donald Trump’s election in October 2016 led to Democratic accusations the FBI was feeding him secrets about an investigation of Hillary Clinton.

But a newly obtained transcript shows the former New York mayor told federal agents it was okay to “throw a fake” when campaigning, to which his then-law partner added, “there’s no obligation to tell the truth.”

Giuliani’s private defense of his actions has come to light as he and other Trump lawyers face discipline and possible court sanctions for their unfounded statements surrounding the 2020 election, raising questions about lawyers’ integrity in a democracy.

“In the heat of a political campaign, on television, I’m not saying Rudy necessarily, but everybody embellishes everything,” Mukasey said.

“Oh, you could throw a fake,” added Giuliani — who in addition to serving as mayor of New York from 1994 to 2001 also spent eight years as a federal prosecutor in the city.

“You’re under no obligation to tell the truth,” Mukasey replies, according to the transcript. To which Giuliani repeats, “You could throw a fake.”

An agent then said, “Fake news, right?”

Mukasey replied, “Right.”
There you have it fans of truth in politics. Spewing fake news is OK, because there is no obligation to tell the truth. That summarizes the morality of lying FGOP liars as they lie to the American people in their relentless anti-democratic quest for power and wealth. And, we all know who else this morality applies to in spades, i.e., the ex-president and his lying liar cadre of felons, thugs and crooks.

I know most everyone is aware of allegations like these. It just make sense to show some of the undeniable evidence when it crops up from time to time.

Questions: Is it true that “in the heat of a political campaign .... everybody embellishes everything”? Or is that a Republican lie to deflect from (i) the FGOP's endless stream of whoppers and fake news, and/or (ii) the possibility that FGOP candidates lie significantly more than most Democrats in most campaigns? Is it just me, or does anyone else notice that the allegations that the FGOP and its goons level at others, e.g., “everybody embellishes everything”, is something they do themselves in spades, but almost always sanctimoniously deny it when they are called out on their immoral sleaze?

Rudy's credibility

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