Saturday, September 18, 2021

A reminder that Christian nationalist ideology opposes secular education

MSNBC reports that as part of her testing for higher level power in the FRP (fascist Republican Party), maybe a run for president in 2024, radical right Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is trying to raise her national visibility and score points with the Republican base. Noem is trying to advance her career by taking a deep dive into radical fundamentalist Christian nationalist (CN) dogma and rhetoric.

She spoke in Iowa last July and told conservatives that she doesn't recognize the United States anymore. “When I grew up, people were proud to have a job. They weren’t confused on the difference between boys and girls. We prayed in schools – which by the way, in South Dakota, I’m putting prayer back in our schools.”

At the conservative outlet Real America’s Voice, Noem argued that Americans should look at government actions to insure that they “line up with the word of God [to] see if they're Biblical.” That the United States is a democracy, and not a theocracy, does not faze Noem. The CN Supreme Court now sees prayer as protected free speech. In that same interview, Noem went further. Right Wing Watch posted this excerpt:
“We’ve seen our society, our culture, degrade as we've removed God out of our lives.... When I was growing up, we spent every Sunday, every night, every Wednesday night in church. Our church family was a part of our life. We read the Bible every day, as a family, together.... I don’t know if families do that as much anymore, and those Biblical values are learned in the family, and they're learned in church.... We in South Dakota have decided to take action to really stand for Biblical principles.... I have legislation I’ll be proposing this year that will allow us to pray in schools again.”
Apparently, the governor is indifferent or hostile to a separation of church and state. Noem wants to apply “Biblical principles” to help “re-center” children in schools.

As discussed here before, it is core CN ideology is to get rid of all secular public education and replace it with a religious fundamentalist “education” based on CN dogma. CNs are dead serious about getting and using power to impose their radical fundamentalist vision of America on government and society, whether people want it or not.

Questions: Is it clear what Biblical principles Noem wants to teach American children, e.g., do not lie or do not steal? Can those values by taught by families in the home, even families that are not religious (Noem referred to religious learning in the home and at church, not in public schools)?

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