Saturday, September 11, 2021

Burying the past…

I can understand reverence for and paying tribute to the dead.  We all have passed loved ones that we will never forget.  And our love for them lives on as long as we can take a breath.

But… for the last several days, maybe more, media watchers have had to visually relive the horrors of 911.  On and on and on, a constant barrage, in movies, in documentaries, in flashbacks.  Come on!  Do people who lost loved ones (for that matter does anyone?) really need to be re-dragged through that kind of memorable torment?  I expect many who were directly affected by 911 don’t even watch, to avoid going into another depression.

Yes, we all remember where we were at the time.  Yes, we all feel terribly sad about the deadly event. And if the media really had any understanding, they’d be more sensitive to the still grieving. 

But no, that’s the media for you.  Milk news cycles for all they’re worth, go for the big ratings, then move on to the next sensationalism (btw, “it’s coming to a media theater near you,” on Sept 18… Capital Riot 2.0).  So get ready!

Maybe it’s just me (that scorns this kind of thing) but, other than al Qaida, does anyone really get anything (any pleasure, any consolation) out of reliving 911?  Grieving people don’t need to have maybe still festering wounds reopened, do they?  

Okay, that was my opinion.  Now...

Question: What are your feelings, your opinions, about the media’s current coverage of the 20th anniversary of 911?

Thanks for posting and recommending.

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