Thursday, September 30, 2021

Words of inspiration… or not.


"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."  –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

What do you think?  First, let me plant some mixed seeds in your brain, just for the hell of it:

  • I believe it beyond question
  • I believe it, but with caveats
  • I don’t believe it, period
  • What a crock, but it makes people feel better
  • Only after we’ve exhausted every other possibility
  • Correlates based on certain variables (e.g., skin pigmentation, bank account balance, how well-connected one is, based on one's GPS situation, other)
  • Morality and justice are ECCs (essentially contested concepts) that are in the eye of the beholder
  • The moral universe keeps changing the goal posts and can’t be kept up with in a timely manner
  • There is no "universal arbitrator" of morality and justice
  • God decides justice and morality, not man
  • Justice is just a four seven letter word
  • Idealistic, bleeding-heart bullshit
  • Theoretical, not real.  Wake up and smell the corruption
  • “The [arc] wall is high, and too hard to climb,” a la Juliette
  • “I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows”
  • “What’s morality got to do, got to do with it?”
  • “A tree grows in Brooklyn,” but that’s about the extent of it
  • “There is a rose in Spanish Harlem.”  And she’s mostly effed.

Okay, okay, getting a little weird here just for the dramatization (and I know it 😉).  Anyway, here’s the question:

Do you believe that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice?

Bloviate.  And recommend.

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