Friday, October 22, 2021

A Reluctant "Hot Take"

I don't like "hot takes." They're easy. Especially when you're already outside of the mainstream zeitgeist, it's a waste of time to actually have to go looking for ways to undercut a circulating grand narrative.

I almost didn't post this here because of it. There is a lot of blame for Republicans at this blog. Understandably so, because they are the source of so much that is wrong with our society.

However, "evil" - or perhaps more specifically the forces of self-interest over community - they will always be with us. They are a known quantity. It's a given.

But meanwhile, Democrats let the states fall one by one to Republican gerrymandering for decades by ignoring it. Now state legislatures are far redder than their constituents.

Democrats let the Republicans run roughshod over senate rules while unilaterally disarming in the face of it, allowing Republicans to pack the courts with lunatics from the Federalist Society.

Democrats let the Republicans control the senate as a minority power because their leadership still thinks this is Queensbury Rules instead of war. Mitch McConnell is sending Sinema and Manchin fruit baskets. Prove me wrong.

When fascism sweeps away our vote in any meaningful sense by 2026, you can blame the "good men" who stood by and let it happen.

I'm out.

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