Monday, October 4, 2021

Foreign dictators and US public relations corporations

The dictator shakes hands with the dictator wannabe in 2019 --
they really do see eye to eye and share a love for unrestrained power

For most businesses, the business of business is business, i.e., profit. For the most part, the morality of business is profit. In theory, the business of the US government is protecting the public interest, which includes protecting the environment and business interests. Government is a balancing act. For the most part, business is a really big bulldozer that only moves toward profit and flattens or weakens things that get in the way, e.g., environmental regulations. Of course these days, the business of government is mostly business because business has mostly bought government. 

Obviously, that is just my opinion, but there is evidence to support it. It is not just made up mindless crap like "Argggh!!! The election was stolen!!!" or "GADZOOKS!!! The Democrats are a bunch of lying, cannibalistic pedophilic lizard people who are going to take our guns away and force us into re-education camps and turn us into GODLESS atheists!!!" The point here is simple: Money, protected as free speech, can and does buy influence in government and society. It does not matter if the free speech is pure crap, lies and anti-democratic nonsense. Dark free speech gets just as much protection as honest speech, and these days arguably somewhat more.  

And, in case anyone is unsure about it, the business of US propaganda companies is business, i.e., profit, not defense of democracy, liberty, truth or civility.

One way to influence government and society is to hire professional propaganda (public relations) companies to make up lies, crackpot conspiracies and outrageous nonsense and then help spread that poison as truth. Interests who hire these propagandists include foreign dictators. The New York Times writes on how this is playing out in real time in the US:
Former Vice President Mike Pence turned up in Hungary last month to speak to a conference on conservative social values hosted by the far-right government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Jeff Sessions, the former attorney general, was another recent visitor. Tucker Carlson did his Fox News show from Hungary for a week this summer. The American Conservative Union is planning a version of its CPAC gathering in Budapest early next year.

Those are among the more visible recent fruits of a well-funded campaign by Mr. Orban in the United States that stretches back a decade and now stands as a case study in how governments around the world seek to shape policies and debates in Washington, sometimes raising concerns about improper foreign influence in U.S. politics.

Carried out by a network of government offices, Washington lobbyists, Hungarian diaspora groups, educational institutions and government-funded foundations, the effort’s main impact has been to bolster Mr. Orban’s image as a conservative leader on the world stage — and to counter his reputation as an authoritarian nationalist who is cozying up to Russia and China.

It has also notched some tangible, if fleeting, policy victories for Mr. Orban, including the withdrawal during the Trump administration of a State Department grant to nurture independent news media in Hungary and the securing of a long-coveted Oval Office meeting for Mr. Orban in 2019 with President Donald J. Trump.

Much of what the Hungarian network has done is legal and standard operating procedure in Washington. But some of its activities touch on gray areas, including transparency requirements for those acting on behalf of foreign interests, concerns arising from overseas efforts to sway presidential campaigns, and the ethics of think tanks accepting money from governments or their proxies.
That is more evidence of the anti-democratic authoritarianism of the modern FRP (fascist Republican Party). Prominent Republican politicians, political groups and media entertainers (Carlson) have bought in on the dictator's lies about what a great thing his brand of kleptocratic dictatorship is and it should be installed here in the US. A few Democrats also like Orban's dictatorship, but that party has tried to distance its self from them.

1. Is this relevant evidence that (i) professional US propaganda companies are happy to work for anti-democratic dictators, and (ii) the FRP is more than just sympathetic to dictatorship, e.g., actively supporting dictatorship in the US and abroad?

2. Should US companies that work for anti-democratic dictators he taxed more heavily, e.g., as a sin tax for fighting against democracy and truth, sort of like a heavy tax on cigarettes? What about the FRP, higher tax on it due to its anti-democracy ideology and rhetoric?

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