Friday, October 22, 2021

Republican cult RINO hunts get serious

criticism and dissent than Democrats:
"A 63% majority of Republicans say their party should be not too (32%) or not at all (30%) accepting of elected officials who openly criticize Trump, according to the new survey. Just 36% of Republicans say the GOP should be very (11%) or somewhat (26%) accepting of officials who do so.

By contrast, about six-in-ten Democrats say the Democratic Party should be very (17%) or somewhat accepting (40%) of Democratic elected officials who openly criticize President Joe Biden."

The New York Times reports that ideological cleansing and loyalty demands in the FRP (fascist Republican Party) leadership are intensifying:
A prominent Washington lobbyist close to Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, is warning Republican political consultants that they must choose between working for Representative Liz Cheney or Mr. McCarthy, an ultimatum that marks the full rupture between the two House Republicans.

Jeff Miller, the lobbyist and a confidant of Mr. McCarthy’s dating to their youthful days in California politics, has conveyed this us-or-her message to Republican strategists in recent weeks, prompting one fund-raising firm to disassociate itself from Ms. Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming.

In response, The Morning Group, a fund-raising firm she hired to help prepare for a primary next year against a challenger endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump, informed her last month they could no longer work on her campaign, according to Republicans familiar with the matter.  
After she joined the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack, organized by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Mr. McCarthy called Ms. Cheney and another dissident on the panel “Pelosi Republicans.”  
“She’s not just undermining Kevin but the whole G.O.P. conference,” Mr. Miller said of Ms. Cheney. “You’re either with Kevin, and the conference, or the person undermining them. You can’t serve two masters.”
For the FRP, it appears that loyalty to party is more important than loyalty to democracy, truth and the public interest. That arguably reflects the anti-democratic authoritarianism, fascism IMO, that dominates the FRP. To my knowledge, the Democrats do not engage in DINO hunts or ideological cleansing to an extent even remotely close to what the FRP demands. That is why there are staunch conservatives like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema in the Democratic Party. One does not find anything close to a Bernie Sanders in the FRP, that's for sure.

1. Is it mostly accurate to see ideological cleansing and party loyalty demands by the congressional FRP leadership as (i) ideological cleansing or loyalty demands, or (ii) inherently anti-democratic and pro-authoritarian?

2. Is Miller's assertion that in the FRP, one cannot serve two masters if one of the masters is loyalty to democracy, truth and the public interest and the other is the FRP itself? In other words, is service to the Republican Party at least mostly incompatible with how its leadership views party loyalty and with democracy, truth and the public interest? 

3. Is it mostly accurate to see the Republican Party as more authoritarian than democratic, more dismissive of inconvenient truth than accepting, and/or more party and special interest-centered than public interest-centered than the Democratic Party?

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