Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What is the Opposite of Entropy?

 This stuck in my craw this morning while I was busy coding. As I understand it, as a system no longer maintains the energy necessary to sustain itself, either from external forces, or somehow generating it internally entropy begins to occur, and the system starts losing its form as its order is slowly subverted by chaotic forces.

Maybe I misunderstand that?

If so, then what of a hypothetical system absent any entropy at all? Would it be perfectly ordered? Is that in itself, a sort of perfect death of the system? Can it no longer grow and adapt?

I am not a student of systems theory in the general sense. There's far more that I don't know about it than anything I know about it.

Does anyone here have any insight on this? I'm not sure how to Google it because the title doesn't quite cut to the meat of what I'm wondering about.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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