Wednesday, January 12, 2022

OK. let's get down to it! What to do about Joe Manchin?

 Yeah, everyone has an opinion. So why not me? 

Is Joe really a Trojan Horse?

Could Joe really switch parties?

West Virginians Ask Joe Manchin: Which Side Are You On?

So here what I have to say, and I know it won't be popular:

What the F is wrong with the Democrats? They know they are going to lose the House in 2022. Maybe the Senate. Yet, led by the other Joe, Joe Biden, they are still playing "nice" with Manchin?

There will be no BBB passed - because of Joe M.

The fillibuster won't be eliminated - because of Joe M.

Voting rights legislation won't pass - because of Joe M.

And yeah, Krysten Sinema is another headache, but Joe M. is the bigger one.

So what should the Dems do?

Michelle Obama and coalition vow to register more than a million new voters

So, step 1, follow Michelle's lead, and STOP WHINING, and get voters registered, motivated, organized, and out to the polls. Might not help you say. Maybe not, but it won't hurt either!

2nd suggestion: primary Manchin. Even if you lose that seat. Having a Trojan Horse ain't helping.
If this were the Republicans, Manchin would be toast. While I hate copying their M.O. the fact remains, the Republicans know how to win, and the Dems don't. 
Primary the ass off of Manchin and take the loss for the sake of sending a clear message: get on board or get out!

3rd suggestion: What do Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, et al, have in common? Yup, OLD guard. I like the Progressive wing of the Democratic party. A bit hyperbolic - sure. A bit intense - sure. But the Dems need to go young, dynamic, intense and COMMITTED!! 

There, glad to get that off my shoulders. Now where is my 2nd cuppa java?

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