Friday, January 28, 2022

Quota filling...

I like balance.  Balance is good.  I like symmetry.  And I really like that elusive idea of “fairness.”  I know, I know... in these tribal days, call me silly.

For example, I’m glad that Biden promised to nominate a woman on the Supreme Court.  That gives it more balance.  Some might consider that quota-filling:

Definition of quota

1a proportional part or share especially the share or proportion assigned to each in a division or to each member of a body

2the number or amount constituting a proportional share

3a fixed number or percentage of minority group members or women needed to meet the requirements of affirmative action

So, this leads to a couple of questions:

1. Are you for quota-filling, whether it be in government, schools, workplace, etc.?  Give your pro/con reasons.

2. Is the United States the kind of country that needs to have quota-filling mandated, else top (usually) man on totem pole constantly keeps his “side” in power?

Thanks for posting and recommending.

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