Monday, January 31, 2022

The ex-president admits in writing he wanted to overthrow the 2020 election

From the flogging dead horses files, CNN writes
Former President Donald Trump in a statement Sunday said he wanted then-Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 presidential election, repeating the false claim that Pence had the power to do so and slamming recent bipartisan efforts to reform the Electoral Count Act.

Trump falsely claimed that a bipartisan group of lawmakers working to reform the Electoral Count Act proves his claim that Pence had the power, according to the ECA, to overturn the 2020 election. Though the Act is vague, it is clear the role of the vice president is ceremonial and does not include the power to overturn the result of a presidential election.

"Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!" Trump wrote.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said last week that “We need to clarify: What is the role of the vice president precisely, make it clear that it’s ministerial.”

Critics and legal experts piled onto Trump’s statement. Conservative attorney George Conway said it was already clear from a legal standpoint that the vice president’s role in that setting is merely ceremonial, “but sometimes we want to make laws even clearer so that even semiliterate psychopaths have a chance at understanding them.”
Of course, neo-fascist Republican Party propaganda immediately started spewing poisonous confusion. One neo-fascist dark free speecher lies in her snarky Tweet:

There you have it. A sitting US president publicly admits that he tried to overturn a free and fair election that he clearly lost.  

But sadly, no amount of contrary evidence is going to change the minds of the stolen election crowd. The 2020 election was stolen, Trump says so, and Pence should have overturned it. In their minds, he failed and should be at least be RINO hunted out of the GOP, if not tried for treason and executed. 

Stolen election lies is standard dogma in Republican Party propaganda. That is the party line and they are sticking to it come hell, high water or contrary evidence.

And, some who know the election was not stolen, and claim to be driven by evidence and sound reasoning continue to claim there is no reason for concern about the health or stability of American democracy, the rule of law or civil liberties. Apparently, no amount of evidence will change those minds. 

That's the awesome power of ideology and dogma to disconnects minds from facts and sound reasoning, and replace that uncomfortable reality with a comforting reality based on lies and flawed motivated reasoning.  

I know, I know. I'm flogging a dead horse. The evidence of threat is rock solid, but that is not going to change minds that see the vaporware reality of safe democracy. Those minds need to see it. The real reality is just too psychologically and socially unpleasant (cognitively dissonant, ego-deflating, tribe-cult disloyalty-signaling, etc.) to be acceptable.

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