Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Any acceptable Republican candidates for Prez and VP out there?

 OVER on my channel, SNOWFLAKE'S, I posted about your Democratic dream pairing for 2024.

However, on here, I am gonna ask a different question.

If you had your druthers, are there a pair of Republicans you could find acceptable if they ran together?

I mean besides Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, though on reflection, I kinda like Adam, he has that Kennedyish presence and appearance.

I may at one time have said Nikki Haley, but since she got into bed with Trump (figuratively speaking), she is out of my good graces.

Then there is a rumor going around that Larry Hogan is considering running. I might find that acceptable, but having a hard time as to a fit for VP for him.

So, after racking my brain thinking if there could be a Republican candidate and VP running in 2024 (not that I will ever vote for Republican, but that is not my question), I think I might have come up with a couple ideas:

How about Liz Cheney and Cindy McCain? Can you imagine the exploding heads?

If Larry Hogan how about him as VP behind Jeff Flake? Possible?

Sorry my imagination on Republicans I could accept is limited, maybe y'all can come up with some names of a pair of half-sane candidates you could find acceptable if they ran as a team in 2024. (not saying you would vote for them, just find acceptable).


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