Sunday, March 27, 2022

Mass delusion, moral courage and the mass psychology of fascism

A 21:49 video by groups called After Skool (AS) and Academy of Ideas discusses mass psychology involved in violence and authoritarianism. It points to innate human traits as the key source of mass psychosis, which AS calls mass mental illness. Some of this feels dated, but the general contours feel very relevant and current.

The video starts with these thoughts:

According to  Wikipedia, Charles-Marie Gustave Le Bon (1841–1931) was a leading French polymath whose areas of interest included anthropology, psychology, sociology, medicine, invention, and physics. He is best known for his 1895 work The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, which is considered one of the seminal works of crowd psychology. In the book, Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: “impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others...” 

A couple of points from the video:

  • Humans are their own worst enemy dues to incapacity to control themselves, summarized as “Man is wolf to man”
  • When mental illness (mass delusion) in a society become the norm, humans are at their worst

Episodes of mass psychosis include American and European witch hunts 
of the 16th and 17th centuries and 20th century totalitarianism 

  • Moral and intellectual rot and loss of control typifies the mass psychosis disease among the affected; those people typically become unreasonable, emotional and irresponsible to some non-trivial degree; crimes can become group-sanctioned and acceptable or normalized, but nearly all of the affected people are unaware of this → the psychosis manifests itself almost entirely or entirely in the unconscious mind, not consciousness 
  • The most common case of mass psychosis is a flood of negative emotions resulting in anxiety, fear and panic, and that leads people to look for psychological relief and comfort from the burden; some people have the moral courage (my term, not in the video) to face their fears and anxieties, but most people experience a psychotic break that leads to a state of mind grounded in a perception of more simplicity, order and personal agency (control) in their lives → people gain relief by blending fact with fiction and rationality with comforting motivated reasoning → irrationality increases and rationality decreases

  • In modern times, the greatest threat from within is the appeal of totalitarianism (or at least authoritarianism -- democracy is always a threat); the rulers are power hungry and see themselves as Godlike or perfect; most of the affected masses are willing to cede power to the elites in return for psychological comfort
  • The masses are primed for totalitarianism by sowing fear through constant propaganda, fake news, lies and confusing reporting to obscure the true nature of what is happening; over time, public confusion leads people to be more susceptible to false claims and waves threats; threat presented in successive waves are asserted to be increasingly dangerous and imminent; a side effect is decreasing morality (loss of moral courage, my term, not in the video)

Does this sound familiar? It should because it is and has been standard 
Republican and American radical right propaganda tactics for decades --
That includes laissez-faire capitalist propaganda and 
Christian nationalist fundamentalism propaganda   

  • Social media, cell phones, information screening algorithms, and shameless propaganda and lies on television and radio are collectively persuasive and pervasive → people voluntarily subject themselves to the propaganda of the elites and powerful special interests  → people get trapped in siloes and are insulated from dissenting opinions and reality that is contrary to the propaganda

Pragmatic rationalism is a parallel structure

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Freeze Peach for bringing this video to my attention.

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