Saturday, March 5, 2022

Russian censorship extremism is on the launchpad

Russia clamped down harder Friday on news and free speech than at any time in President Vladimir V. Putin’s 22 years in power, blocking access to Facebook and major foreign news outlets, and enacting a law to punish anyone spreading “false information” about its Ukraine invasion with up to 15 years in prison.

The crackdown comes as the Kremlin scrambles to contain discontent over the war and to control the narrative as Russia faces its most severe economic crisis in decades as a result of this week’s crushing Western sanctions.

Putin signed a law that effectively criminalizes any public opposition to or independent news reporting about the war against Ukraine. Taking effect as soon as Saturday, the law could make it a crime to simply call the war a “war” — the Kremlin says it is a “special military operation” — on social media or in a news article or broadcast.

Facebook, Russia’s internet regulator claimed, had engaged in “discrimination against Russian news media” by limiting access to pro-Kremlin accounts, including that of the Defense Ministry’s television channel. The decision was a blow to internet freedom in Russia, where Western social networks have remained accessible despite Mr. Putin’s creeping authoritarianism.  
The text of the new law offered few details about what constituted an offense, but Russian journalists and Kremlin opponents take it to mean that any contradiction of the government’s statements on the invasion could be treated as a crime. Besides criminalizing the sharing of “false information,” it makes “discrediting” Russia’s use of its military in Ukraine, calling on other countries to impose sanctions on Russia or protesting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine punishable by fines and years of imprisonment. (emphasis added)
Woof, that's a good one. 

What's interesting here is Putin's tactic of shutting down information sources that do not allow his propaganda machine access to spread lies, slanders, irrationality and crackpottery. Implicit in Putin's tactic is that his lies and deceit are truth, while sources that try to stop lies and deceit are attacked and blocked. That is true, in-your-face lying and deceit from a pure demagogue-despot. There's not one shred of shamelessness or moral qualm in any of Putin's elimination of sources of inconvenient but actual facts and truths.

Also noteworthy is ambiguity in Russia's new anti-truth law. That leaves it up to Putin to tell the judge who is guilty and who just made an innocent boo-boo. Dictators love ambiguity in their laws. Makes it easy for the rule of dictator to look exactly like the rule of law (because it is). 

Meanwhile back in the grumpy US of A, Republican snowflakes in America whine about being canceled for their lies and deceit, which they falsely call truth. They really should go visit their friend Russia and see what real cancellation of real facts and truths looks like. No doubt, they will be inspired to do the same here. That assumes they don't get caught up in Putin's 'keep your mouth shut' law and sent to a Russian slammer to experience some of the kind of government service they want to emulate here. Or, is that criticism over the top?

Also, it seems reasonable to think that Putin has graduated from creeping authoritarianism to a brutal, full-blown kleptocratic despotism. Or, is it premature to draw that conclusion?

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